试用电子资源 E-Resources Trials
The Library often arranges trials with publishers/vendors to enable our faculty and students to evaluate the e-resources before we consider a subscription. Trials that are currently available are listed below.
We appreciate if you could fill in the feedback form and send it to libref@sc.edu.my as your feedback is important and would help to inform decisions about future subscriptions.
Should you have any queries regarding the trials, please contact the librarian at extension 120 or via libref@sc.edu.my.
Title: Database World Scientific Publishing
Description: World Scientific Publishing is a leading international independent publisher of books and journals for the scholarly, research and professional communities. It publishes 170 high-quality, peer-reviewed journals and E-book across a wide range of disciplines, including Asian Studies, Business and Management, Children’s Books, Education, Open Access, Social Science and more.
Link: www.worldscientific.com
Trial period: 4th Nov to 31st Dec 2024
Note: Accessible within Southern University College campus only
Guidelines: /Portals/0/Guideline%20WSPC%20database.pptx
Feedback Form: https://forms.gle/e1xjvBpjLv7nXFkdA
Title: 中国博硕士学位论文全文数据库 - 医药卫生科技专辑 (China Doctoral Dissertations and Masters’ Theses Full-text Database)
Description: 收录1984至今出版的中国大陆985、211高校、中国科学院、社会科学院等重点院校高校的博硕士学位论文, 覆盖基础科学、工程技术、农业、医学、哲学、人文、社会科学等各个领域。本次开放免费试用的专辑为医药卫生科技,是研究和了解中国大陆目前医药研究最新趋势的不可获取的资料。
Link: https://oversea.cnki.net/index/
Access Information: 校内与校外皆可使用(校外登陆账号与密码,请洽考总馆或中医图书馆柜台索取)
Trial Period:1st July to 31st July 2024
Feedback Form: Click here
Title: 华艺线上图书馆(Airiti Library)
- CEPS期刊论文&会议论文集:收录台湾近75%的学术及指标性期刊与大陆核心期刊,共逾4,980多种、265万多篇电子全文,全文率达97%。收录年代至1991年起。
- CETD学位论文:收录台湾大学、成大、清大、交大、澹江大学等50多所学校学位论文,提供全方位服务。收录年代自2004年起。
Link: www.airitilibrary.com
Access Information: 校园范围内
Trial Period:2023年7月17日至8月16日
Feedback Form: Feedback Form
Title: 华艺电子书(Airiti iRead eBooks)
Description: 华艺电子书推出50本文史哲、应用科学、社会科学及艺术类书籍供本校师生免费使用,点击任何一本书皆可阅读全文。
Link: www.airitibooks.com
Access Information: 校园范围内
Trial Period:2023年7月17日至8月16日
Feedback Form: Feedback Form
Title: 万方数据库 Wanfang Data
Description: 万方数据库为中国大型综合性学术论文资料库网站,主要提供中文学术期刊、学位论文、学术会议、专利、标准等相关学术文献。
- 中国学术期刊数据库(China Online Journals, COJ)
期刊资源收录始于1998年,包含 8,000余种期刊,年增300万篇,每日更新。内容涵盖哲学政法、社会科学、科教文艺、医药卫生等各个学科。
- 中国学位论文全文数据库(China Dissertation Database,CDDB)
Link: https://www.wanfangdata.com.cn/
Access Information: 校园范围内
Trial Period: 2023年6月7日至7月6日
Feedback form: Feedback Form
Title: Nikkei Asia
Description: Nikkei Asia, known as Nikkei Asian Review, between 2013 and 2020, is a major Japan-based English-language weekly news magazine focused on the Asian continent. However, it also covers broader international developments. Nikkei Asia brings you news and insights on the region's most influential companies, and comprehensive coverage of politics, economy, markets and trends - all from a uniquely Asian perspective.
Link: https://asia.nikkei.com/
Trial Period: 27th Mar to 21st Apr 2023
Note: Accessible within Southern University College campus only
Feedback form: Click here
Description: The Insight Partners (TIP) is a one-stop industry research provider of actionable solutions. TIP research content is majorly focused on market trends in terms of market sizing, competitive landscaping, company analysis, regional or country analysis, etc., which can help readers to obtain a deeper analysis and gain insight into various research topics.
Link: : https://www.tipknowledge.com/subscription/
Username: Trial_SUC
Password: Mvans3CW
Trial Period: 20th Mar to 3rd Apr 2023
Note: Accessible within Southern University College campus only
Feedback form: Click here

Title: SpringerLink
Description: Publisher platform for journals, books published by Springer Nature. SpringerLink is the world's most comprehensive online collection of scientific, technological and medical journals, books and reference works.
Link: http://link.springer.com/
Trial Period: 10th Oct to 10th Nov 2022
Access method: Find the log in information in the Library's notice or send an email to libref@sc.edu.my
Feedback form: Click here
Title: Gale Databases
Gale Academic OneFile |
Quickly access articles from a database of scholarly journals and other trusted periodicals. Best for academic research. |
Gale eBooks |
Explore this database of encyclopedias and reference sources within the Gale eBooks platform. For multidisciplinary research. |
Gale General OneFile |
Access general interest magazines and key serials in a single resource. Best for general research. |
Gale OneFile News |
Access major U.S. and international newspapers online to search articles instantly by title, headline, date, or other fields. |
Gale Business Insights: Global |
Compare global economies, countries, and industries with in-depth analysis on over 400,000 companies. |
Access Information: On campus & Off campus (Find off-campus access code from the notice sent by the Library)
Trial Period: End on 30 June 2021
Feedback Form: Feedback Form
Title: 花木兰数字数据库
Description: 内容包含中国传统文化研究、台湾历史与文化研究、中国现当代文化与文学研究系列:
- 中国传统文化研究系列。本系列之「回溯编」收录了近30年来有关中国传统文化研究的六类重要学术论著自2018年起,每年并将出版各类的最新研究论著。
- 中国现当代文化与文学研究系列,这是一套以文学为主,深入分析当代中国社会文化与思想的丛书。自2018年起,每年并将出版各类的最新研究论著。
Access Information: 校内与校外(校外登录账号与密码请参考图书馆发出的通告或到图书馆柜台询问)
Trial Period: 5 May 2021 结束
Feedback Form: Feedback Form
Title: 申报 电子版
Description: 《申报》由英籍茶商美查(Ernest Major)创办,原全称《申江新报》,后缩写成《申报》。于1872年创刊至1949年停刊,前后历时78年,共出版25600号。他为《申报》作出了清楚的市场定位:一份专门办给华人看的商业报纸。至此,中国才出现第一份专为华人出版的中文报纸,亦为我国第一份非翻译之中文日报。
Access Information: 校内与校外(校外登录账号与密码请参考图书馆发出的通告或到图书馆柜台询问)
Trial Period: 5 May 2021 结束
Feedback Form: Feedback Form
Title: Statista
Description: Statista is a digital database with global and multi-disciplinary coverage across more than 600 industries. It provides:
- Data aggregated from over 22,500 sources
- Proprietary data covering key sectors globally including: consumer markets, digital economy, technology segments
- Over 15,000 Dossiers and DossierPlus reports compiled by our industry experts
- Global Consumers Survey deep-dive into market data, consumer behaviour, demographics and opinion polls
- Download of data, statistics, reports, charts in XLS, PPT, PNG, PDF
- Automatic citation output: APA, Chicago, Harvard, MLA, Bluebook
Access Information: On campus & Off campus (Via E-Learning)
Trial Period: 22 March 2021 - 22 April 2021
Feedback Form: Feedback Form
Title: CHKD中国医院数字图书馆
Description: 《中国医院数字图书馆》的主要馆藏是《中国医院知识仓库》总库(简称CHKD总库)。CHKD总库是专门针对医务人员临床疑难病症诊断治疗,医学科研项目选题、设计、撰写论文、成果鉴定、医院管理人员决策经营,医院科技项目查新和科研绩效评价,医务人员继续医学教育等多方面的知识信息需要,开发的专业知识仓库,是CNKI系列数据库的重要专业知识仓库之一。是中国第一套具有主题词、分类号智能检索的医学专业中文全文数据库系统。由《CHKD期刊全文数据库》(即CHKD-J)、《CHKD博硕士学位论文全文数据库》(即CHKD-D)、《CHKD重要会议论文全文数据库》(即CHKD-P)及《CHKD重要报纸全文数据库》(即CHKD-N)构成。2004年被中国卫生部科教司评定为查新数据库。点击此文件查看介绍与使用方式。点击查看使用介绍
Access Information: 校内与校外(登录账号与密码请参考图书馆发出的通告或到图书馆柜台询问)
Trial Period: 10 Feb 2020 - 31 Mar 2020
Feedback Form: Feedback Form
Title: JSTOR
Description: JSTOR provides access to more than 12 million academic journal articles, books, and primary sources in 75 disciplines.
Access Information: On campus
Trial Period: 11 Nov 2019 - 10 Dec 2019
Feedback Form: Feedback Form
Title: Elsevier-Science Direct
Description: A large database of scientific and medical research. Currently, we provide a trial on "Freedom Collection" that covers 23 subject areas (Click here for the title list)
Access Information: On campus
Trial Period: 1 Nov 2019 - 30 Nov 2019
Feedback Form: Feedback Form
Title: IET
Description: IET (The Institution of Engineering and Technology) is one of the leading engineering institutions with global membership of 160K+. It is also a leading publisher of books and journals on subject areas including Electronics and Computer Science, Communications, Power & Control, Signal & Image Processing, Life Science, Transport, and more. Currently, we provide a trial on "Package A - IET Journals Complete Collection" (For the title list, please refer to pg. 34 in this catalogue https://digital-library.theiet.org/files/Journals-2019.pdf ) & "Package I - Conference Collection" .
Access Information: On campus
Trial Period: 29 Oct 2019 - 27 Nov 2019
Feedback Form: Feedback Form
Title: PressReader
Description: PressReader is an award-winning platform that delivers digital content. It has partnered with thousands of publishers to bring over 7,000 trusted newspapers and magazines to a single, user-friendly platform.
Access Information: On campus
Trial Period: 29 Oct 2019 - 27 Nov 2019
Feedback Form: Feedback Form
Title: Academic Reference
Description:Academic Reference is the most comprehensive English collections of China latest research development. It is designed to provide a one-stop search and discovery platform of China academic development, current research hotspots, and social culture for overseas colleges, universities, research institutions, and enterprises. The platform integrates high-quality English resources published in mainland China, including over 13 million English abstracts from first-class journals, proceedings, doctoral dissertations, and masters’ theses, and 1.2 million full-text articles. It allows cross-database search in these articles, English books, yearbooks, and reference books. It encompasses multiple subjects so faculty and students of all departments are welcome to try it.
Access Information:Both on campus and off campus (The library has sent the off campus access ID and password to your email. If you could not find it please request it from the reference librarian.)
Trial Period:4 April 2018 to 31 May 2018
Feedback Form: Feedback Form
Title: 汉云平台
1. 单一平台检索多元资料。
2. 典籍文本全文检索功能。
3. 个人化服务:提供研究者收藏词条或篇章,并提供文本标记功能。
4. 简繁互转查询。
Access Information:校园范围内,操作手册
Trial Period:2017年12月4日至2018年1月31日
Feedback Form: Feedback Form
Title: 华艺线上图书馆
Access Information:校园范围内
Trial Period:2017年12月4日至2018年1月31日
Feedback Form: Feedback Form
Title: Turnitin
Description: Turnitin is the global leader in addressing plagiarism. It allows educators to check students’ work for improper citation or potential plagiarism and save valuable instructor time. Turnitin reports are a tangible way for staff and students to discuss the issues surrounding writing and research skills.
Access Information: The library has sent the information to all staff members. Students could use it according to the instruction of lecturers.
Trial Period:24 November 2017 to 21 December 2017
Feedback Form: Feedback Form
Title: Epigeum
Description: An online course and software solution to ensure students follow best practice in paraphrasing, referencing, and citation.
Access Information: The library has sent the ID and password to your email. If you could not find it please request it from the reference librarian.
Trial Period:24 November 2017 to 5 December 2017
Feedback Form: Feedback Form
Title: Royal Society Journals
Description:The Royal Society is the independent scientific academy of the UK and the Commonwealth, dedicated to promoting excellence in science. It publishes journals across the entire range of science. The trial provides access to the following journals:
•Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society series A
•Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society series B
•Proceedings of the Royal Society series A
•Proceedings of the Royal Society series B
•Biology Letters
•Journal of the Royal Society Interface
•Interface Focus
•Notes & Records
•Open Biology
•Royal Society Open Science
Access Information: On Campus
Trial Period:16 November 2017 to 16 January 2018
Feedback Form: Feedback Form
Title: ERUDITION Chinese Classic Ancient Books 爱如生中国基本古籍库
Description: 中国基本古籍库是综合性的大型古籍数据库,收录自先秦至民国历代典籍1万种,每种均制成数码全文,并附所据版本及其他重要版本之原版影像。总计收书1万种、17万卷,版本12,500个、20万卷,全文17亿字、影像1,200万页。其收录范围涵盖全部中国历史与文化,其内容总量相当于3部《四库全书》,不但是全球目前最大的中文古籍数字出版物,也是中国有史以来最大的历代典籍总汇。
Access Information: 校园范围内; 同时在线使用人数以1人为限
Access Method: 1. 选择“Ancient Classics”
2. 点击“login”
3. 选择“中国基本古籍裤”
Trial Period:2017年6月16日至2017年7月14日
Feedback Form: Feedback Form
Title: CNKI Journal Translation Project (CNKI中国精品学术期刊双语出版数据库)
Description::CNKI Journal Translation Project (JPT) selects and translates such top Chinese journals as Economic Research Journal, Acta Psychologica Sinica, Foreign Affairs Review, Chinese Journal of Atmospheric Sciences, Journal of China Coal Society and Chinese Traditional and Herbal Drugs, in the fields of economics, social science, philosophy & humanities, basic science, engineering, agricultural science, medical science, etc.
You are welcome to provide feedback to CNKI by clicking “Feedback” at the top of the JPT database, by this you can help Southern UC to stand a chance to win an award:
• Institutions with over 1000 valid feedback will access JTP for free to the end of 2016, and enjoy a 50% discount for JTP subscription in 2017;
• Institutions with 500-999 valid feedback will access JTP for free to the end of 2016, and enjoy a 20% discount for JTP subscription in 2017.
Access Information:On campus only
Trial Period:1 June 2016 to 30 September 2016
Feedback Form: Feedback Form
Title: PNAS (Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences)
Description:PNAS is one of the world's most-cited and comprehensive multidisciplinary scientific journals, publishing more than 3,800 research papers annually. Established in 1914, PNAS publishes cutting-edge research, science news, commentaries, reviews, perspectives, colloquium papers, and actions of the National Academy of Sciences.
The journal's content spans the biological, physical, and social sciences and is global in scope. Nearly half of all accepted papers come from authors outside the United States. PNAS publishes only the highest quality scientific research. Every published paper is peer reviewed and has been approved for publication by an NAS member.
Access Information:On campus only
Trial Period:11 January 2016 to 4 March 2016
Feedback Form: Feedback Form
Title: China Academic Journals Full-text Database中国期刊全文数据库
Access Information:校园范围内
Trial Period:2015年11月20日至2016年1月31日
Feedback Form: Feedback Form
Title: China Doctoral Dissertations Full-text Database中国博士学位论文全文数据库
Access Information:校园范围内
Trial Period:2015年11月20日至2016年1月31日
Feedback Form:Feedback Form
Title: China Master’s Theses Full-text Database中国优秀硕士学位论文全文数据库
Access Information:校园范围内
Trial Period:2015年11月20日至2016年1月31日
Feedback Form:Feedback Form