Guidelines for Donation of Library Materials
The Southern University College Library is grateful for the numerous donations that have enriched our collection. We welcome gifts of books, periodicals, and other materials that can support the University curriculum, faculty research and newly developed course programs.
In order to keep the donated items and appropriately utilize the library space, the Library will selectively accept the donations. The following are examples of materials that the Library will not accept:
a. Materials the Library already owns unless they are materials in high demand.
b. Materials in poor condition, heavily highlighted, underlined, or marked materials.
c. Books that infringe copyright such as pirated books, photocopies or other reproductions/reprints.
d. Outdated or superseded titles or editions, like computer books published more than 5 years.
e. Textbooks not suitable for higher education (except language textbooks) or assessment books.
f. Religious books that advocate a particular religious belief.
g. Single issues of journals/periodicals unless they fill a gap in our collection.
Details on donated items
1. A prior email of the book list to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. is needed.
2. Information required includes the title, author, publisher, year of publication of donated items. The information will enable the Library to decide whether or not to accept the donation.
3. If the donated items are too numerous to be listed, donors should provide a brief description of the collections, for example, the sizes, subject areas and periods of publication etc. of the collections.
Packing, pickup and delivery
1. Donors are generally responsible for the packing and delivery of the donation to the Library.
2. Donations can be passed to the staff at the 1st floor main library circulation counter between 9am – 4:30pm, Monday to Friday, or they can be mailed to the following address:
Southern University College (Library)
PTD 64888, 15 KM Jalan Skudai,
81300 Skudai,
3. Due to the limitation of personnel or transport to provide this service, request for pickup of the materials by the Library will be assessed on a case by case basis.
1. All donations received will be acknowledged in writing.
2. Names of donors will be printed on bookplates pasted on the items.
3. Donors who donate up to 1000 items per time will be acknowledged on our website.
1. For the items that are not added to our collection, the Library reserves the right to re-gift them to readers or other libraries.
2. The Library reserves the right to the placement and display of the collections.