Guidelines for the Reserve Books
1. Two types of Reserve Books: Reserve Books are divided into Subject Recommended Books and Additional Reserve Books as indicated below:
a. Subject Recommended Books for each academic department: These Reserve Books are displayed constantly and updated according to each department's latest list of needs.
b. Additional Reserve Books: The lecturers may select other additional reference books.
2. Application for Additional Reserve Books
a. Reserve Books for different courses need to be applied by using separate forms.
b. Lecturers are required to send the application forms to the library by email or submit them to the circulation counter. The Reserve Books are then moved into the reference section for display.
c. Requested Reserve Books which are not in the library collection can either be provided by the lecturers themselves or to be purchased within budget by the library after being approved.
d. Reserve Books are limited to printed publications.
3. Management of Reserve Books
a. With the exception of Subject Recommended Books, the Additional Reserve Books will be displayed until the end of every third semester.
b. Lecturers and staff may borrow 8 items for 7 days and are not renewable, overdue fine will be charged RM0.50 per day. Students and postgraduates may borrow 1 Reserve Book as 2 hours item within library opening hours by depositing their student ID cards, overdue fine will be charged RM1.00 per hour.
c. For the convenience of the teaching requirement, the long-term loan for Reserve Books (main text only) is available for lecturers. There is no limit to the number of items on loan, but only the main texts are allowed. All applications must be approved by respective Heads of Departments and the course syllabuses must be attached together with the application form. The Library reserves the right to reject the applications. Considering the needs of other users, the loan period is therefore limited to one semester.
d. Under specific circumstances, the Library reserves the right to recall the checked out items.
e. The lists of reserve books for particular subjects are placed on the library website for the convenience of the lecturers and students.