Guidelines for the Borrowing Privileges of SPACE Programme Participants
1. 申请资格:凡参加本校所开办“专业与推广教育学部”之学员皆可申请。
Qualification: Participants in the SPACE Programme.
2. 使用权益 Borrowing privileges:
a) 可借阅之资料类型、数量及期限等同本校学生身份。
The borrowing privileges are the same as the University College students’.
b) 可使用电子书及馆内其他设备,如视听资料及讨论室等。
Provide the services of e-books surfing, audio-visual materials, group discussion rooms and other library services.
c) 所有学员的借书权将于结业前2周终止。
The borrowing privileges will be terminated 2 weeks before the completion of the programme.
3. 续借、逾期、催还、罚款、遗失及期刊借阅规则,皆根据本馆规章处理。
Please refer to the Library Rules and Regulations for periodicals borrowing, renewal, overdue, recall and loss.
4. 办理时间 Library’s opening hours:
Monday to Friday
8:30am~7:00pm |
8:30am~12:00pm |
Sunday and Public Holiday
Closed |
5. 严重违反图书馆之规章者,将导致其丧失使用图书馆的权力。以上规章如有未尽善处,本馆有权增删之。
Users who violate the Library Regulations will lose their Library Privileges. The Library reserves the right to amend these rules from time to time.