Reserve Book List

For the convenience of the students, the library from now on, displays the recommended texts approved by MQA in the reference section of each academic department. All reserve books can not be checked out.

Faculty of Business and Management (FBM)

Diploma in Business Administration (BA)

Diploma in Marketing (MKT)

Diploma in International Business (IB)

Diploma in Accounting (AC)

Diploma in Logistics Management (LM)

Diploma in Financial Analysis (FA)

Diploma in Tourism Management (DTM)

Bachelor of Accounting (Hons)(BAC)

BA(Hons) Accounting and Finance (BAF)

Bachelor of Business Administration (Hons)(BBA)

BA(Hons) Business Management (BBM)

BBA(Hons) in Finance and Investment(BFI)

BBA(Hons) in Marketing(BMK)

Bachelor of Property Management (Honours) (BPM) 

Southern Master of Business Administration (MBA)


Faculty Of Chinese Studies (FCS)

Doctor of Philosophy(Chinese Studies)(DPCS)


Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology (FEIT)

Diploma in Electrical and Electronic Engineering (DEE) -for student intake batch 2020A onwards  

Diploma in Electrical and Electronic Engineering (DEE) -for student intake batch before 2020A

Diploma in Computer Science (CS)

Diploma in Information Technology (IT)

BSc (Hons) Computing, Teesside University (BOC)

BIT (Hons) in Software Engineering (BSE)

Beng (Hons) Electronics Engineering (BEE) (152 credits)

Bachelor of Electronic Engineering with Honours (BoEE) (139 credits)


Faculty of Art & Design (FAD)

Diploma in Advertising Design (ADV)

Diploma in Industrial Design (DID)

Diploma in Multimedia Design (DMD)

Diploma of Visual Art (DVA)

Bachelor of Design (Hons) Computer Graphic Design (BGD)


Faculty of Humanities and Social Science (FHSS)

Diploma in Chinese Studies (DOM)

Diploma in English (DOE)

Diploma in Journalism (DJJ)

BA (Hons) English Language Teaching (BEL)

BA (Hons) Chinese Studies (BCS)

Bachelor of Communication (Hons) (Mass Communication) (BMC)

BA (Hons) in Malay Studies (BMS)

Master of Communication (MOC)

Bachelor of Education (Honours) (Guidance & Counseling)


Faculty of Chinese Medicine (FCM)

Foundation in Traditional Chinese Medicine (FCM)

Bachelor of Traditional Chinese Medicine (BCM)


Faculty of Education and Public Affairs

Diploma in Early Childhood Education (DECE)

Bachelor of Early Childhood Education (BECE)

Bachelor of Education (Hons) (Information Technology and Multimedia) (BEM)

Bachelor of Psychology (Honours) (BOP)


School of Foundation Studies (SFS)

Certificate in Business Studies (CBS)

Certificate in Computing (CIC)

Foundation in Business (FSB)

Foundation in Computing (FSI)

Foundation in Arts (FIA)

Foundation in Science (FIS)



Southern University College Library

PTD 64888, 15KM Jalan Skudai,

P.O.Box No. 76,

81300 Skudai, Johor.

07-5586605 (Ext. 120)
