Opening Hours / Admission to the Library:
- What are the libraries’ opening hours?
The opening hours of different libraries are different; see Opening Hours for more details.
- Does the library open during semester breaks?
Yes. However, the Main Library and Malaysian Chinese Literature Centre will close early at 5:15pm during weekdays.
- I am not a member of Southern University College. Can I enter the library?
Yes. Non-members can visit our library and read some library collections.
Borrowing and returning:
- How many books can I borrow? I can borrow them for how long?
Your loan quota will vary according to your membership type.
See Borrowing Privileges for more details.
- Can I borrow dictionaries from the library?
No. Dictionaries are non-circulating items.
- What are Reserve Books? Can I borrow them?
Reserve Books are recommended textbooks listed on syllabuses. Lecturers and staff can borrow them for one week. Students can only borrow them for two hours, however, most of them have extra copies at General Books Area which can be borrowed by students for two weeks.
- Can I borrow a newspaper?
No. Newspapers are non-circulating items.
- Can I borrow a magazine/journal?
All current issue periodicals cannot be checked out. However, certain back-issue titles can be checked out, these titles are highlighted on the lists that are pasted on the periodical shelves.
- I am not a member of Southern University College. Can I borrow a book from your library?
No. Non-members need to apply for External Membership in order to borrow books.
If you are a member (e.g. student / lecturer) of another university/college, you can make an Interlibrary Loan (ILL) application through your own university/college library.
- I would like to borrow a book which location is “ShuXiangLou: General”, what should I do?
The books in ShuXiangLou are closed stack collection. You can apply for Closed Stack Request Service at the Library Circulation Counter by filling up a form, and we will inform you the collection time.
- Can I access the Malaysian Chinese Literature Centre Closed Stacks Collection? Can I borrow a book home?
You can access the collection by using the Closed Stack Request Service but the book can only be used in the library.
- I am a freshman, I haven’t got my student ID, can I borrow books?
Yes. You can borrow library materials by presenting your receipt of paying tuition fee and your IC at the Circulation Counter.
- What happens if I do not return overdue library items?
You will need to pay fine and your borrowing privileges will be suspended until you return the overdue items.
Library Catalogue:
- My lecturer asked me to find a book in the library, I don’t know where is it, what should I do? / I want to find a book, how can I check whether the library has it or not?
The fastest way is to use the Library Catalogue on our website to check. Through the Library Catalogue, you can see whether the library has the book you are looking for, and if we have, you can see its location, call number and status.
- How to perform a search in the Library Catalogue?
Our Library Catalogue provides three types of search methods: Basic Search, Advanced Search, Course Reserve; you can use any one according to your own need. See this (p.2-4) to learn more about how to use different search methods.
My Library Account /Online renewal/Online reservation:
- What is My Library Account?
My Library Account allows you to view your loan records, renew or reserve books, check your fine and search history, recommend new books, etc.
- How to activate my personal My Library Account?
First time users need to reset your passwords in order to activate your accounts. Please refer to the Library User Guide (p. 12).
- Online renewal:
(1)How do I renew my borrowed items online?
Online renewal need to be done via your My Library Account, see this (p. 5-7, 10-11) for the steps of activating your account and renewing items online.
(2)How long would the due dates be extended?
Renewal period will vary according to item types; see Borrowing Privileges for more details.
(3)How many times can I renew an item online?
(4)Can I renew my book online after the due date?
No. Online renewal needs to be done before or on the due date.
- Online reservation:
- How do I make an online reservation?
Online reservation need to be done via your My Library Account, see this (p. 5-9) for the steps of activating your account and reserving items online.
- What are E-resources?
They are electronic resources such as E-books, E-periodicals, E-theses or dissertations, which you can access online and download the full text or certain portion of the contents.
- What is a subscribed database?
Subscribed databases refer to those that are subscribed by our school and only our school members have the right to access their contents.
- Can I use ProQuest Ebook Central/ProQuest Research Library/CNKI at home?
ProQuest Ebook Central and ProQuest Research Library can be accessed via E-learning: Log in to your E-learning account, scroll down and click “All courses” , select “Library Databases”, select the database you want to use (enrolment key is “library”).
To access CNKI off-campus, please apply the off-campus ID and password at the Library Circulation Counter.
Printing & Photocopying:
- I would like to use the library’s photocopier, what should I do?
You will need to buy a printing account (RM 5.00) at the Library Circulation Counter first, then you can do photocopy, printing or scanning at your own.
Copy (Black & White)
Copy (Colour)
Print (Black & White)
Print (Colour)
Free of charge
- Can I print out my documents (assignment/Powerpoint slides/PDF, etc.) from my USB/E-learning system/website/mailbox?
Yes. You can use the library’s computers to print documents, then collect them and make payment (RM0.10 per page) at the Circulation Counter.
- Can I do colour printing in the library?
Yes. Colour printing can be done by using the library’s photocopier, and you need to buy a printing account first (See Q1 above).
Recommend a book/periodical/AV material
- I am a lecturer, what should I do if I want to recommend a book?
Step 1: Click on “Recommend a Title” on our website’s Quick Links.
Step 2: Key in your My Library Account ID and password (if you haven’t activated your My Library Account, please refer to the Library User Guide p. 12).
Step 3: Select the form you want to use, lecturers can make two types of recommendations: Course Reserve Book Recommendation or Library Resource Recommendation.
- I am a student, what should I do if I want to recommend a book?
Step 1: Click on “Recommend a Title” on our website’s Quick Links.
Step 2: Key in your My Library Account ID and password (if you haven’t activated your My Library Account, please refer to the Library User Guide p. 12).
Step 3: Click on “Library Resource Recommendation Form” to fill in the details.
- What is Turnitin?
Turnitin is an internet-based originality checking service. It is an educational tool that allows educators to check for the authenticity of students’ work, and it also helps students to improve their writing and avoid plagiarism.
- What is the website of Turnitin?
- I am a lecturer, what should I do to start using Turnitin?
Please send your request to libref@sc.edu.my . The librarian will then add you as an instructor of SUC in Turnitin, and you will soon receive a welcome email from Turnitin which helps you to set up your instructor account.
- What are the roles of a lecturer in Turnitin?
(1)After creating a Turnitin account, a lecturer needs to create a class first and provide the class ID and enrolment key to the students, so that they can enrol in the class in Turnitin.
(2)After that, the lecutrer can create assignment(s) in the class to let students submit their assignments to Turnitin.
(3)After students submit their assignments, the lecturer can check the Similarity Reports and mark the papers.
Reminder: Turnitin DOES NOT mark the papers. Turnitin checks the similarity and lecturers need to read the Similarity Report to determine if there is plagiarism. (See Top 15 Misconceptions about Turnitin)
- I am a lecturer, how can I set up a class/an assignment in Turnitin?
Please refer to the training guide for lecturers and important reminders about Optional Settings when creating an assignment.
- I am a student, what should I do to start using Turnitin?
If your lecturer requests you to submit your work to Turnitin, he/she will give you the class ID and enrolment key. You can then create an account in Turnitin https://www.turnitin.com/ by following the training guide for students.
Reminder: Each student is only allowed to create ONE Turnitin student account by using ONE email (university email xxxx@sc.edu.my).
- After submitting my paper to Turnitin, where can I download and print a copy of my Similarity Report?
Find the steps in Download Turnitin Similarity Report.
- After submitting my paper to Turnitin, where can I download my Digital Receipt?
Find the steps in Download Turnitin Digital Receipt.
Other general FAQs:
- Where can I find the recommended books for Life 20/30 reading report?
The General Studies Centre has recommended a list of books which are suitable for doing the Life20/30 reading report. The printed list is displayed at the Library New Arrival Area, and the soft copy can be found in “Quick Links” of the library website (please click Life20/30 for the direct link).
- Can I pick books other than those in the Recommended Reading List for writing my Life 20/30 reading report?
Yes, but you will need to consult the lecturer about its suitability first.
- Can I take home back-issue newspapers at the Newspaper Reading Area?
No. Back-issue newspapers are owned by the library and have referential value to readers, taking them away is breaching the Library’s General Rule 7.
- Where can I find the past-year exam papers?
You can click "E-Resources" on our website and select "Past Year Exam Papers".