1. Information services
· Library catalogue: Users can search for library collections and manage their personal library account via internet.
· E-resources: This service provides authorized users of the Southern University College to access to all the available electronic databases, e-journals, and e-books.
2. Borrowing, renewing and reserving service
· Southern College staff and students can use ID card to borrow general books of the library. The users can use online renewal service to renew their borrowing items if nobody else has requested them. Online reservation is only accepted when the item is borrowed by another user.
3. Self-service photocopy and printing service
· Self-service photocopy is available on the 1st floor of the library. Users can buy a printing account at the circulation counter.
· Printing Service: Please print your document by using the Reference Area computers and then approach the Circulation Counter for collection and payment.
4. Audio-visual materials
· The library provides audio visual materials, including videos, audio cassettes, CDs etc. The users can use them in the Audio Visual Room on the 3rd floor of the Library.
5. Reserve books
· For the convenience of the students, the Library has displayed all the recommended books which are listed in the syllabi. The reserve books are displayed on the Reserve Book stacks on the 1st floor. Lecturers and staff can borrow them for 7 days and students can borrow them for 2 hours.
6. Internet service
· User may use the internet to check the Library Catalogue or surf the library online resources.
7. Reference service
· Reference service helps users find the information efficiently on:
a) Using our library services and facilities
b) Locating pertinent information sources
c) Formulating search strategies
d) Searching the Library Catalogue
e) Using the electronic databases and other online resources
8. Orientation & Instruction
· The Library tour is designed to introduce library services, policy and facilities to new students at the beginning of each semester.
· In order to support the teaching and learning, we also provide User Education Programmes for students according to the request of lecturers.
9. Inter-Library Loan (ILL)
· Materials not in the Library's collection may be requested from other libraries via interlibrary loan. This service is only available for full time lecturer and staff. Before you make a request, please read our ILL guideline.
10. Long-Term Loan
· Long-term loan service is available to all lecturers and staff each semester for the convenience of teaching or administrative requirement. The loan period is one semester for the checked-out items, please read guidelines for the application of long-term loan.